Welcome to ITCPS
We are very pleased to announce the "International Topical Conference on Plasma Science: Strongly Coupled Ultra-cold and Quantum Plasmas" to be held in Lisbon, Portugal on the 12th to 14th of September 2011. The late Summer weather will be warm and pleasant in Lisbon, a charming and lively city with nice hotels, restaurants and surroundings. The present scientific activity belongs to a series of meetings, which started at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, in 1989, and took place at various other locations, including Faro in the Algarve, and Santorini, in Greece. This time, it will be focused in the modern areas of Strongly Coupled Ultra-Cold and Quantum Plasmas. The aim is to promote the research activities of new experimental and theoretical groups, which are currently exploring these new areas of Plasma Science, producing novel concepts and pushing the frontiers of knowledge.
(Apr 14, 2011) Registrations open!