Oral and poster format

Oral presentations

Plenary talks will be 35min (30 + 5min discussion). Invited oral presentations will be held for the four topics of the conference separately, slots of 30min (25+5min) have been allocatted. 15min (12+3min) will be given to contributed orals.

Each meeting room is equipped with a Windows PC. Supported presentation formats are Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF. Although a variety of standard video codecs are supported, speakers are strongly advised to provide video files separately and not only embedded in the presentation.

Speakers are requested to upload and test their presentation material 1 day prior to the scheduled presentation on the conference computer system in the slide desk, located near the registration desk. For upload, please contact the conference staff in the slide desk.

Presentations scheduled for Monday, June 22nd, need to test and upload the material on Sunday, June 21st, in the slide desk (open 4-6pm). If this is not possible the material can also be sent via email to the LOC for upload (eps2015@ipfn.tecnico.ulisboa.pt).

Poster presentations

The poster boards have a width of 141.5 cm and a height of 170 cm . Consequently, posters in the European A0-format (84.1 cm × 118.9 cm) can be arranged in portrait or landscape format. The organizers provide fasteners for the posters. You will find your paper number attached to the poster wall. Before putting up your poster, please make sure that you are in the correct session.