Ultra cold plasmas offer us the opportunity to investigate fundamental problems, not just in plasma physics, but in a broader framework of complex systems, such as

Strogly correlated phases
Wigner crystalization
Out-of-equilibrium phenomena
Quantum effects in plasmas

Our experimental apparatus also allows us to investigate the dynamics of cold atoms driven close to the atomic resonance. In these systems, light transport is usually diffusive, much like what happens in dense astrophysical objects. In this context, we have been exploring this analogy with the theoretical and experimental investigation of

Photon bubble turbulence in cold atoms
Multiple scattering and light transport in resonant media
Analog models of stellar equilibrium and stellar dynamics

In the context of cold Rydberg gases, we investigate topics such as

Polariton dynamics and interaction (quantum nonlinear optics)
Collective phenomena
Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Gases
Applications in Quantum Information

Other research topics include

Photon Condensation
Superfluidity of Light and Quantum Fluids of Light
Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Orbital Angular Momentum of Light
Axion Fields in Plasmas

For more information check out our latest publications.