• mit-portugal
    Plasma-assisted CO2 Recycling: from Earth to Mars


Since its creation in 1911, Instituto Superior Técnico is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology and Architecture in Portugal. IST aims to give its students and alumni the education and the knowledge tools to improve, to change and to shape society through science, technology, and entrepreneurship. IST provides top quality higher education, strongly exposed to Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities, immersing students in an exciting and global environment geared towards solving the challenges of the XXIst Century.

IST is the host of CREATOR through its association for research and development. The theoretical and modelling work regarding the "gas phase decomposition" and "Heterogeneous processes" research lines is performed at IST and IPFN.

Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN) is an Associate Laboratory of FCT and the Portuguese research unit managing the Eurofusion Contract. IPFN researchers work on cuttingedge fields of Plasma Science and Engineering, Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Lasers and Photonics and Advanced Computing, participating in largescale R&D projects (ITER, HIPER, ELI). IPFN promotes a culture of ambition and leadership, in a permanent pursuit of the most far-reaching and intellectually demanding scientific and technological problems, attracting the best talents in the field to work in an exciting environment, strongly networked with other world-leading institutions. Fostering excellence in international context, IPFN provides a unique setting for worldclass scientific research, technological transfer and advanced training.

IPFN is located on the IST campus and guarantees an important set of additional resources, from the administrative support and physical space to host students, staff and researchers, to the access to its experimental facilities and the direct involvement of its researchers in the scientific activities of the project.

The mission of the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (MIT AeroAstro) is to prepare engineers for success and leadership in the conception, design, implementation, and operation of aerospace and related engineering systems. It achieves this through its commitment to educational excellence, and to the creation of critical aerospace vehicle and information engineering technologies, and the engineering of complex high-performance systems.
MIT AeroAstro, which traces its MIT roots to 1914, has the oldest program of its kind in the United States. It has a tradition of strong scholarship and solving industrial-strength problems. The community comprises people whose careers have included astronaut, Air Force secretary, NASA deputy administrator, NASA chief technologist, Air Force chief scientist, aerospace executive, and corporate founder. The alums are entrepreneurs who start their own businesses; policy-makers shaping the direction of future research and development; educators sharing a passion for learning; researchers pushing technology’s boundaries.

Aeroastro in CREATOR
The MIT Aeroastro is the MIT partner of CREATOR. It is involved in the modelling of the final task of the project, "from conversion to separation", and in providing experimental data on CO2 conversion at atmospheric pressure.