Lecturers and presentations
Lecturers (Invited, oral, and intensive oral presentations) are requested to give the file of their slides of presentation (Powerpoint or PDF) directly at the conference secretary at least 2 hours before the session, i.e. without waiting for the break before the session, and surely not at the beginning of their session.
Please note that all slides sent by e-mail before the conference could not be taken into account.
Title of the presentation: #abstract-Number_Main-Author-Name
Lecture duration
Invited lecture is 30 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion.
Oral presentation is 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion.
Intensive oral presentation is 10 min with maximum of 10 slides.
Chairmen will receive strict instructions in order to keep the time allowed for each presentation; they can interrupt the lecture if necessary.
Audio visual Equipment
The lecture rooms are equipped with video projector, laptop, laser pointer and paper board.
Each day of the conference devoted sessions are expected to the presentation of Posters. During these poster session in addition, the organizers have planned a set of intensive-oral sessions for the promotion of the posters. You will thus be invited to present your paper at one of these intensive oral sessions. Therefore, poster contributors are requested to provide us with a PDF or PowerPoint file of maximum five slides.
Poster guidelines
Posters in Portrait Format (1189 millimeters height x 841 millimeters width).
Full paper submission not later than April 6th, 2015 (for both Orals and Posters).
Please notice that poster installation set-up will start on Monday April 20th at 16h. Precisions, details and practical instructions will be available in the conference office. Please contact them at your arrival.
Poster Guidelines
- Each author will have a usable area that is approximately 1189 millimeters height x 841 millimeters width (Portrait Format). The posters are free standing; the bottom is about 750 mm, (30 inches) above the floor. The upper edge is more than 1800 mm, (6 feet) above floor level, requiring close attention to letter, symbol, and figure size to ensure legibility.
- Material can be mounted to the poster with pushpins or Velcro. Push pins will be provided at the conference, but authors must provide their own Velcro fasteners.
- Authors should provide a poster title using letters large enough to be legible at ~ 3 m (10 feet). The title will be displayed at the top of the mounting board and will contain the authors' names and affiliations.
- A short abstract (35-50 words) with lettering readable from ~ 1.8 m (6 feet) should be prominently displayed near the top of the board, beneath the title.
- The body of the poster paper should consist of several small sections, arranged to guide the viewer through an introduction, results, and finally conclusions and references. The poster must be self-guiding because many conference attendees will read your poster at times other than the normal session.
- Lettering size is extremely important. Lettering must be clearly readable from a distance of 3 m (6 feet), as clusters of people will surround the poster boards during the session. We recommend nothing smaller than 14-point bold lettering be used anywhere on the poster. It is better to use 18 to 24 point letters for your main text. The use of color to organize sections of the paper is effective. Color graphs, and/or colored borders around black and white figures can be especially effective in making your poster easy to read. You need to be creative and present only clear, readable data tables and graphs.
- Under no circumstances should you simply put your typewritten paper on the poster board. Hand-written pages are similarly unacceptable.
- Limit posters to significant data, details, graphs, and key experimental results that help to explain the most important points of your work. Don't try to get everything in the written paper on the poster, just the main points. Photographs can also be effective, but should be large enough to be easily viewed and address key points.
- Some authors have found that it helps to attach a single bound copy of their complete paper to the poster for reference. If you do this, be sure to use a strong cord and attach it firmly to the poster to prevent loss.
- If possible, please include photographs 7.5 x 12.5 cm, (3 x 5 inch) of the principal presenter and co-authors near the top of the poster. This allows the audience to recognize the authors of the poster papers.
Thank you for taking the time to read these guidelines. Following them will enhance your presentation, and make it more likely that the audience will understand your presentation and pay attention to your work.
Furthermore, each day of the conference devoted sessions are expected to the presentation of Posters. During these poster session in addition, the organizers have planned a set of mini-oral sessions for the presentation of the posters. You will thus be invited to present your paper at one of these oral mini-sessions. Therefore, Poster contributors are requested to provide us with a PDF file of maximum three slides (one for title and authors, one showing the poster, and one with the major messages).
Minimum lettering sizes
The size of the lettering used on your POSTER is particularly important to make it readable at a distance of 3 m (10 feet). Note carefully the absolute minimum sample sizes below. Larger fonts are preferred. These are "Arial" type fonts, but other graphics quality type fonts may be used. Do not use the standard typewriter type text size (10 or 12 point) as it is too small and can't be read at the required distance.
Title (36 point)
Author Name and Affiliation (24 point)
Headings (18 point)
Text (14 point)
Scales for Figures (14 point)