Publications/full paper submission
- Conference memory stick
- Conference Record
- Transaction on Nuclear Science and Transaction on Plasma Science
Conference Record (CR) | Transaction on Nuclear Science (TNS) and Transaction on Plasma Science (TPS) | |
Page layout | Same as TNS, but without running headers and footers | Standard IEEE Transactions and Journal format |
Copyright form | Required, electronic submission | Required, electronic submission |
Deadline | June 1st 2015 | June 30th 2015 |
Peer reviewed | No | Yes |
Color figures | Free and encouraged | At author's expense for printed version, free for online version |
Page Limit | 8 (suggested) | 8 (maximum) |
Availability | Downloadable online before end of 2015 for all attendees | Published throughout the year |
Submission Site | Find here. | |
Comparison of Requirements
The value of the Conference Record is chiefly accrued by the immediate and timely release of the information, which excludes the possibility of peer-review for manuscript content.
The authors must also keep in mind that the content of the articles designated for TNS publication must meet the level of scrutiny by scientific review, and publication is not guaranteed for the TNS submission. The CR and TNS/TPS are two separate publications. Submission to one does not imply submission to the other.
More detailed information about IEEE NPSS publication can be found of the site
Any question, please contact by email
All paper available by April 6th, even if not finalized or in a draft form will be collected to be available on the USB key distributed in the material for participants, the first day of the conference.
Please format your preliminary or draft paper following the same template as for the Conference Record
Submit your Full Paper for the Conference Memory Stick
Please note that your last name and the reference number that you received by email (ANIMMA2015-XXX) are requested to submit your full paper.
Conference Record
The Conference Record (CR) is the official repository for manuscripts presented at the 2015 ANIMMA Conference and will be available as a file for download for all registered conference attendees. The CR will also be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication.
How to Format for the Conference Record
Here are the approved word processor templates for
- Microsoft Word (.docx for recent XML-based versions of Word)
- Microsoft Word (.doc for pre-2007 versions of Word)
- LaTeX
- Also available is this PDF example of what the final product looks like.
The preferred format is Microsoft Word. The suggested length limit is eight pages.
If you use a word-processing format other than Word, you must submit a PDF file in Xplore-compatible PDF format. (To get the correct formatting, please download, read, and imitate this PDF example.) To assist you in meeting the requirements, IEEE has established a web based service called PDF eXpress.
We strongly suggest that you use this service to create your PDF files. PDF manuscripts that are not IEEE Xplore-compatible will not be accepted in the Conference Record.
Here are some common formatting trouble spots:
- Manuscript title and all headings must be in Title Case. (In title case, each word is capitalized except for the connecting words, such as articles and prepositions. You may have to manually correct Word's tendency to put every word of the title into Title Case.)
- Font size and aspect of figures captions and table captions should be as indicated in the template.
- Authors' affiliations go in the unnumbered footnote on the first page.
- Do not put in headers, footers, or page numbering.
Submittal Procedure
In order to ensure a timely release of the Conference Record, please follow this procedure.
Step 1: Download a template and write your manuscript
Please use one of the templates (Microsoft Word or LaTex). There is also an example in PDF that shows how a properly formatted PDF should look, in case you are using other word processors. The template itself contains instructions and hints on how to produce your paper. Please read it carefully.
Go to the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox.
Review the various guidelines and author tools under "Article Preparation and Submission". Many useful tips on writing, graphics, and the practical details of manuscript preparation are available there.
Download the appropriate template (Microsoft Word, Unix LaTex2e, or Macintosh or Windows LaTex2e) under "Template for all Transactions."
Prepare your manuscript using the template.
Step 2: Produce an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file using PDF eXpress
Step 2 is necessary only if you wrote with something other than Microsoft Word. For Word users, Step 2 is optional - you may use it to see what your PDF will look like, or you may go directly to Step 3.The IEEE PDF eXpress service is available for RT2014 authors until the manuscript submission deadline. The URL for the service is Enter 35685X as the conference ID. (You will first have to set up an account if this is your first visit to PDF eXpress.)
You can then upload your word processor file to the web site and have it converted to PDF. Shortly after your upload, an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file will be generated and emailed to you. Save this file and go to Step 3 to submit it to the Conference Record. Detailed instructions on the PDF eXpress service are available at
Creating your PDF eXpress Account
Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress TM siteFirst-time users should do the following:
- Select the "New Users - Click Here link".
- Enter the following:
- 35685X for the Conference ID
- your email address
- a password
- Continue to enter information as prompted.
An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Please note that PDF eXpress is NOT the final destination for your manuscript and the next step in submittal is NOT automatic. You must submit your manuscript to the ANIMMA Conference Record via Step 3. PDF eXpress DOES NOT verify the typographic format of your paper.
Step 3: Submit the MS Word file or the Xplore-compatible PDF file and the IEEE Copyright Form
Log on to the paper submission website and follow the "Paper Submission" menu item to the paper submission page. Please fill the copyright (your manuscript cannot be published if we do not have the IEEE copyright forms. Fill it (DOC or PDF) and submit following the same PDFeXpress process as your paper. Sometime, your institute is also asking to be owner of your paper (Ex CERN), please fill the Joint Ownership (see here) instead of the standard one.
Submitting your PDF paper and COPYRIGHT
It is important to note that submittinga file to IEEE PDF eXpress in only for creation of a compliant PDF file, you must still submit your final paper through online submission "Create new Title -> Enter Title Info and then Submit File for Checking or Converting". The procedure is the following for both paper and copyright. A few minutes after submitting you will receive a mail saying if the PDF has passed the PDF Check. If the file is ok, log into your PDF eXpress account and click on the "Approve for Collection" link at the title status page.
The deadline for the Conference Record manuscript submission is June 1st, 2015.
Only the papers that meet the following requirements will be included in the CR:
- Paper (oral or poster) has been presented at the conference;
- Manuscript conforms to the page layout requirements specified in the online templates;
- PDF file is IEEE Xplore-compatible;
- PDF file and the electronic copyright form are received no later than the June 1st, 2015 deadline.
A permanent contact will be available to reply to your question during each coffee break of the conference at the IEEE NPSS booth.
For any question please contact
The Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS) is a premier peer-reviewed journal with a significant distribution within the nuclear science and medical imaging communities. TNS is not the conference record, and only those papers that pass the review process and are in the fields of interest to TNS will be published.
Papers presented at the conference that contain important information of lasting value may be submitted for review and publication in the TNS. Prospective authors should consult the TNS page for a description of the publication and manuscript preparation requirements. TNS discourages the submission of progress reports and manuscripts that are more suitable for distribution as an institution's internal document. We expect each manuscript to be cast in the context of the state of the art of its field (including appropriate motivation for the work), present a complete description of the work performed, and to present a set of conclusions supported by the measured and/or calculated data. The paper should be sufficiently complete that others with comparable equipment could repeat the work.
Authors submitting to TNS should expect to be solicited to serve as reviewers of other papers. Please accept as many solicitations as you are able to handle and remember to return your reviews in a timely fashion. TNS requires at least two reviewers for each paper and the speed of the review process ultimately depends on your cooperation. TNS relies on this most important professional service you, the authors, provide to the community.
TNS is published throughout the year, and you can submit your manuscript to TNS at any time. For instructions on TNS manuscript submissions, please visit the IEEE's on-line peer review system ScholarOne ManuscriptsTM. TNS suggests that authors limit their papers to 8 pages, but that limit is quite flexible and exceptions can be made.
Authors of Plasma related papers may alternatively choose to submit their manuscripts to the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science through ScholarOne ManuscriptsTM. For further information regarding the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences, contact:
TPS Editor in Chief
Dr. Steve Gitomer