Welcome to ANIMMA 2015
Nuclear instrumentation and measurement methods in nuclear environments are key aspects that contribute to the quality of scientific programmes in the fields of physics, energy, the fuel cycle and waste management. Furthermore, measurements relying on nuclear physics now play an important role in various fields of application such as biology, medicine and the environment.ANIMMA conference sets out to unite, consolidate and organize an international network of scientific researchers and experts from industry, research institutes, academic dealing with nuclear instrumentation and measurement methodology activities (R&D, Innovation and applications).
ANIMMA 2015 is the fourth of a series of conferences devoted to endorsing and promoting scientific and technical activities based on nuclear instrumentation and measurements. The main objective of ANIMMA conference is to unite the various scientific communities not only involved in nuclear instrumentation and measurements, but also in nuclear medicine and radiation. The conference is all about getting scientists, engineers and the industry to meet, exchange cultures and identify new scientific and technical prospects to help overcome both current and future unresolved issues. The ANIMMA conference provides scientists and engineers with a veritable opportunity to compare their latest research and development in different areas: physics, nuclear energy, nuclear fuel cycle, safety, security, future energies (GEN III+, GENIV, ITER, ...).
The conference topics include instrumentation and measurement methods for:
- Fundamental physics
- Fusion diagnostics and technology
- Nuclear power reactors
- Research reactors
- Nuclear fuel cycle
- Decommissioning, dismantling and remote handling
- Safeguards, homeland security
- Severe accident monitoring
- Environmental and medical sciences
- Education, training and outreach
What's New in ANIMMA 2015?
Several parallel initiatives are envisaged during the conference. Shall you have any proposal for short course workshop or parallel meeting please do not hesitate to contact the organization.Short Course Initiative
An advanced program of short courses will be offered at the start of ANIMMA 2015 conference. Sarting from the physical principles, the course will discuss the performances and the limitations of various radiation detectors that can be used in nuclear reactors and in the subsequent stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. Updated information, detailed program and schedule will be available shortly on the conference web site.Workshop
The first conference day (Monday April 20th, 2015) is dedicated to workshops.Poster sessions
During the conference, in addition to plenary and parallel oral sessions, specific slots about 2 hours each will be organized and dedicated to the poster sessions. Each day, these sessions will be structured by thematic and illustrated by the posters in exhibition with in support of, a short mini-oral presentation.The fourth edition of ANIMMA conference will take place 20-24 April 2015 at Lisbon, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa (Portugal).
Conference Chairs
- General Chairman: Prof. Dr. Abdallah Lyoussi
- Co-Chairman : Prof. Dr. André Chabre
- Steering Committee: Dr. Bruno Soares Gonçalves
- Scientific Committee: Prof. Michel Giot
- Organizing Committee: Dr. Bruno Soares Gonçalves
- Workshops Organization Chair: Dr Christelle Reynard-Carette
- Short-Courses Organization Chair: Dr Ludo Vermeeren
Key dates
- Deadline abstract submission: December 8th, 2014 (extended)
- Notification for acceptance: January 15th, 2015
- Open registration: January 15th, 2015
- Full paper for conference USB Key: April 6th, 2015.
- Conference record for IEEE Xplore: June 1st, 2015.
- Full paper submission for Transactions on Nuclear Science: June 30th, 2015.
- animma@ipfn.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
- bruno@ipfn.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
- abdallah.lyoussi@cea.fr
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