Scientific workshops are proposed on numerical works and on experimental research and development from fundamental physics to direct applications (Nuclear Instrumentation, Radiation Detection Systems, Thermal Measurements, Real Time Measurements, ...).
Should you wish to propose organizing an additional workshop please contact: Dr Christelle Reynard-Carette (Aix-Marseille Université Laboratoire IM2NP UMR CNRS 7334,
The workshops will be held on Monday, April 20th.
Workshop N°1: Radiation Effects in Electronics for Nuclear and Physics Instrumentation
Convenors: Pr Jean-Luc Autran (Aix-Marseille Université Laboratoire IM2NP UMR CNRS 7334, and Dr Jean-Luc Leray (CEA, DIF,
Abstract: This scientific workshop will review radiation effects in electronics from single particle effects to cumulated damages in various environments (nuclear, medical, large instruments). The workshop will also survey current and future solutions for electronics more specifically used in nuclear and physics instrumentation, covering technological aspects, hardening solutions and reliability issues at device and circuit-level.
The provisional programme is available here
The registration is available here.
Workshop N°2: Monte Carlo Methods Applied to the Design of Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection Systems
Convenors: Pedro Vaz (Principal Researcher, Instituto Superior Técnico,,
Raul Fernandes Luis (Instituto Superior Técnico,
Yuriy Romanets (Instituto Superior Técnico,
Abstract: The Scope and the objectives for this workshop are:
- To assess the state of the art in Monte Carlo methods applied to particle transport simulation for nuclear instrumentation and radiation detection systems in applications in Medicine, Industry, Security, Environment, , Energy, basic Science, among others.
- To review existing nuclear instrumentation and radiation detection techniques and methods, for different particles (photons, neutrons, charged particles) and for different energy ranges.
- To discuss the accuracy of the existing methods and tools and their experimental validation.
- To address the Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection needs in the aforementioned applications and the utilization of Monte Carlo methods and simulations to overcome the complexity of the tasks to be addressed.
- To identify specific requests and needs to be submitted to the MC developers and specialists´ community.
- To analyse limitations in available Monte Carlo programs and tools (methods, tracking algorithms, sampling algorithms, cross-section data, etc.).
- To provide to junior participants as well as to non-experts, a broad view of the field, through presentations by top-level experts representatives from the aforementioned topical areas to be addressed.
The provisional programme is available here
The registration is available here.
Workshop N°3: Application of fundamental physics innovative techniques and tools to nuclear instrumentation measurement
Due to unforeseen reasons this workshop was cancelled.
Workshop N°4: In-pile thermal measurements
Convenors: Dr Christelle Reynard-Carette (Aix-Marseille Université Laboratoire IM2NP UMR CNRS 7334, and Jean-François Villard (CEA, DEN/DER/SPEX/LDCI,
Abstract: This workshop will focus on in-pile thermal measurements in the case of Material Testing Reactors. The measurements of thermal parameters are relevant in particular from the design of irradiation devices to the interpretation of in-pile experiments studying the accelerated ageing of materials and the behavior of nuclear fuels under irradiations. This workshop will concern in-pile measurements of different key thermal parameters such as thermal conditions (temperature, temperature gradient, nuclear heating) , thermal properties of materials (thermal conductivity,...), energy balance,... For each thermal parameter, a state-of-the art of the sensors and associated measurement techniques will be performed. Experimental works will be presented and discussed. Metrology aspects will be developed. Experimental works could be compared to simulations. Technological drawbacks and scientific challenges will be given.
The provisional programme is available here
The registration is available here.