IPFN is strongly involved in academic teaching, with many of its researchers belonging to the teaching staff of the Physics Department at IST. IPFN ensures teaching, student training and supervision in the broad scientific area of Plasma Physics, Lasers and Nuclear Fusion of this department. The 2nd (MSc) and 3rd (PhD) cycles have a number of specialized courses in these topics.
APPLAuSE PhD Programme
APPLAuSE is an FCT-funded international doctoral programme on Plasma Science and Engineering. It consists in a student-centered and highly modular PhD program designed to enhance each student’s capabilities and maximize their potential. IPFN hosts the PhD programme, and the degree is awarded by the University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Academic Programs
MSc in Physics Engineering - Instituto Superior Técnico
IPFN oversees the scientific area of Plasma Physics, Lasers and Nuclear Fusion, ensuring teaching, student training and supervision in all the courses related to these topics. A number of MSc theses are carried out every year with us. Prospective candidates should contact their potential supervisors to know more about these opportunities.
Learn more: MSc in Physics - Instituto Superior Técnico
PhD in Physics / Physics Engineeering - Técnico
A number of PhD theses are developed every year at IPFN, with candidates coming from many different backgrounds. The PhD degree is awarded by the University of Lisbon, and joint degrees are possible. Since 2013 most of the new PhD students have been welcomed in the scope of the APPLAuSE PhD programme. Prospective candidates should contact the Programme Director or a potential supervisor in order to know more details.
Learn more: PhD in Physics / Physics Engineeering - Técnico
Doctoral Programmes - Fusion-DC
Fusion-DC is a three-year Joint Doctoral Programme in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering offered by a consortium of 29 European partner institutions from 9 EU countries, the ITER Organization and 14 associated partners from China, Japan, Russia, Ukraine and the USA.
Learn more: Doctoral Programmes - Fusion-DC
Doctoral Programmes - Joint Research Doctorate
The Joint Doctorate and Doctoral Network on Fusion Science and Engineering is set up among a group of European Universities which have a solid scientific and research background in the field of magnetic confinement fusion and aims at providing the European community with new generation of scientists.
Learn more: Doctoral Programmes - Joint Research Doctorate

Since 2012 we have been organizing yearly workshop targeted at secondary school teachers (in Portuguese). These take place during the school summer break and last for a week. So far we have organized workshops on two topics: controlled nuclear fusion and lasers. These include lessons, visits to our facilities and a tour of a large-scale laser or nuclear fusion laboratory abroad. They are free of charge and are credited by the CCPFC.

Summer School
PlasmaSurf is IPFN’s flagship summer school on plasma physics and related topics. It is specifically tailored for engineering and physics students aiming at complementing their education with a PhD in plasma physics, high power lasers or nuclear fusion. Bringing together science and seaside adventure, Plasmasurf has emerged to become one of Europe’s most popular summer schools in our field.

ATHENS Course on Plasma Physics
IPFN is in charge of one of the intensive courses taking place twice a year at Técnico, as part of its participation in the ATHENS programme. The ATHENS network is an international exchange programme aimed at carrying out intensive specialization courses in a network of European universities, which includes Técnico Lisboa. The International Area of Técnico Lisboa is responsible for the incoming and outgoing students.

Summer Courses
Tailored for a pre-university audience, the programme Ciência Viva no Verão, brings about 10 young students to IPFN for a week during the summer break, where they learn about plasma physics and fusion and have a chance to see a real tokamak in operation.