The N - Plasmas Reactive: Modelling and Engineering (N-PRiME) group explores the potential of Nonequilibrium low-temperature plasmas for tailoring energy and matter at Nanoscale level and for reaching New Horizons in Space exploration. We intertwine experimental, theoretical and model-based predictive capabilities, providing answers to fundamental scientific challenges and developing novel plasma technologies with societal benefits.

N-PRiME multidisciplinary activities articulate three research axes, the Plasma Engineering Laboratory, the Hypersonic Plasmas Laboratory and Plasma Modelling and Simulation, under the strong leadership of internationally recognized principal investigators.

Group Leader: Luís Lemos Alves


  • Development of microwave-driven plasma-based technologies for the synthesis and engineering of two-dimensional nanostructures, as key enablers of the nanotechnology revolution
  • Exploring microwave plasmas as sources of uncharted VUV/EUV radiation
  • Operation of the European Shock-Tube for High Enthalpy Research (ESTHER), the sole Portuguese Space facility for the planning of planetary exploration missions
  • Modelling and simulation of non-equilibrium reactive plasmas, adopting state-of-the-art kinetic schemes, including the complex transport of multi-species and radiation, and implemented in new computational platforms
  • Curation of elementary data and databases


Luís Lemos Alves, Group Leader:

  llalves at