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About Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear

About IPFN

Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN, Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion) is a research unit of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) with the status of Associated Laboratory granted by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
IPFN ensures the Portuguese participation in EUROFusion, the European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy.
The role of the research unit at national and international level was recognized in the last FCT evaluation of R&D units, where IPFN was awarded the classification “Exceptional”.


The main activities of IPFN are centered on Research and Education:
Research is organised into two Thematic Areas: Controlled Nuclear Fusion and Intense Lasers and Plasmas Technology, divided into seven scientific groups in total. The research activities of the IPFN are monitored by an External Advisory Panel.
Education encompasses a broad range of activities, including coordination and participation in Doctoral Programs and Master Degrees, training of young researchers in advanced facilities, and outreach activities for pre-university students and teachers.

Research Areas

Our research programme is carried out in the scope of seven groups, focused in specialized fields of study.
Controlled Nuclear Fusion: Engineering and Systems Integration, Material Processing and Characterisation, Experimental Physics. Intense Lasers and Plasmas Technology: Lasers and Plasmas, N-PRiME, High-Pressure Plasmas.

Location and Laboratories

IPFN is based at the Alameda campus of IST in Lisbon. We operate several experimental facilities both at this campus and at the Technological and Nuclear campus, in Loures.
ISTTOK Tokamak | L2I Laboratory for Intense Lasers | PEL Plasma Engineering Laboratory | MotLab Ultra-cold Atoms Laboratory for Ultra-cold Atoms and Quantum Plasmas | ESTHER European Shock Tube for High-Enthalpy Research | LATR Laboratory of Accelerators and Radiation Technologies | PL Plasma Laboratory | EPP Computational facility ISTCluster | VOXEL VOlumetric medical X-ray imaging at Extremely Low dose


IPFN is one of the largest Portuguese research units in Physics. Our passion is Plasma Physics and Technology! I am very pleased to welcome you to IPFN webpage, we are very proud to share who we are and our achievements.

Bruno Gonçalves

Bruno GonçalvesDirector - IPFN

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