APPLAuSE - Advanced Programme in Plasma Science and Engineering - is an FCT-funded doctoral programme on Plasma Science and Engineering. IPFN hosts the programme, and the degree is awarded by the University of Lisbon, Portugal. In the scope of this programme, up to ten new students per year are welcomed to perform their PhD thesis with us.

APPLAuSE consists in a student-centered and highly modular PhD programme designed to enhance each student’s capabilities and maximize their potential. The global objective of the programme is to provide each student with a broad knowledge in the field of plasma science and engineering by promoting a close interaction with renowned specialists, and to allow and in-depth expertise in the chosen area of specialization by providing unique opportunities for personal development and intellectual growth, in a friendly and collaborative international environment.


The programme incorporates training in the following areas:

  • Basic Plasma Science, to provide a solid common scientific background to the students
  • Controlled Nuclear Fusion, in line with our internationally recognized expertise in this field, particularly in state-of-the-art remote diagnostics with obvious interest in many other engineering applications
  • High-Energy-Density Physics, pushing the frontiers of technology in developing ultra-short and ultra-high-power lasers, second generation plasma accelerators, and tunable sources of radiation from the IR to the XUV
  • Space and Astrophysical Plasmas to help crack the mysteries surrounding exotic states of matter and phenomena in the cosmos
  • Low-temperature Plasma Science and Engineering, tailoring matter at nano-scale level, targeting spin-offs in materials, environmental and biological applications