PEGASUS approved with 4 M€ funding

Project PEGASUS (Plasma Enabled and Graphene Allowed Synthesis of Unique nano Structures) has been approved in the highly-competitive context of EU Horizon 2020 FETOPEN 2016-2017 call, with 4 million euro funding.

The project will be developed under the leadership of Dr Elena Tatarova and her team with the Plasma Engineering Laboratory at IPFN, joining a consortium that involves IST (Portugal), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), Institut Jozef Stefan (Slovenia), Kiel University (Germany), Sofia University (Bulgaria) and Charge2C-Newcap Lda (Portugal).

The ultimate goal of PEGASUS is to create a highly efficient, catalyst/harmful-free novel plasma method along with a proof-of-concept device for a large-scale N-graphene direct synthesis, as well as N-graphene/MnO2/Fe2O3/SnO2 composites and unique vertical N-graphene arrays grown on metal substrates, via breakthrough research on plasma-enabled singular assembly pathways.

PEGASUS framework is uniquely positioned to succeed and raise the Europe competitiveness in the strategic nano synthesis domain. For this goal, the project will promote the development of a new European manufacturing/processing platform via the promotion of plasma methods as Key Enabling Technology for highly-controllable and 'green' assembly of atom-thick hybrid nanostructures, and by replacing long existing materials with new cost-effective, higher-performance ones.