IPFN ranked Excellent by FCT

The most recent evaluation of Portuguese research centres by FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), started in 2017 and concluded earlier this month, has placed IPFN among the highest ranked units, with an overall classification of “Excellent”. Additionally, IPFN was awarded a grade of 5/5 in the three evaluation criteria, excelling in all the metrics.

In terms of funding, IPFN will be awarded 1.674 MEur of base funding, plus 742 kEur of programmatic funding and 9 PhD scholarships. The overall support, which is the largest awarded to a Physics research unit, covers the period 2020-23.

Comparatively, in the area of Physics a third of the 15 national research units was ranked as excellent. But overall, only 11% of the units were awarded the triple-5-star status.

“We are very proud to reconfirm the level of the previous evaluation cycle”, says Bruno Gonçalves, IPFN Director. “It’s been a great responsibility but also a privilege to lead IPFN during the challenges of these past years, and we will continue to work together towards excellence in research, training and outreach”.