Seminar on mobile radiation detection systems

Major Luís Marques, from the Portuguese Air Force, PhD Student at IST supervised by Alberto Vale (IPFN) and Pedro Vaz (C2TN), presented a seminar about the recent developments in mobile radiation detection systems for different scenarios, including challenges and opportunities.

New technologies were presented for unmanned ground vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles (e.g. drones). 

The seminar took place in the scope of the Project FRIENDS – Fleet of dRones for radIological inspEction, commuNication anD reScue –, PTDC/EEI ROB/28799/2017, supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Compete 2020 and Lisboa 2020 under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Preliminary tests were already performed in old ore mines, under the supervision of the Portuguese EnvironmentAgency (APA) and Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro (EDM) with radiological sensors installed on drones.