Project FRIENDS Kick-off

The kick-off meeting of FRIENDS was held in Lisbon on October 15. The meeting highlighted the project goals and the roles and responsibilities of the different partners, defining the best strategy to implement the work program.

The project FRIENDS (Fleet of dRones for radIological inspEction, commuNication anD reScue) proposes the research and development of a solution that combines: i) a fleet of drones, ii) cutting-edge techniques of cooperative robotics and situation awareness, and iii) different technologies of onboard sensors and communication systems to provide, on-the-fly, a fast mapping of the scenario and an adaptive mesh-network of communication to support remote operations. The representation of the scenario is an n-dimensional map that includes 3D representation, colour, distance, temperature, and radioactivity information.

FRIENDS has the collaboration of IPFN (leader), Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR) of Lisbon, Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technology (C2TN), Institute of Telecommunications (IT) of Aveiro and Superior Institute of Business and Labour Sciences (ISCTE).

The project is co-funded by FCT, Compete2020, Lisboa2020, Portugal2020, and European Regional Development Fund.

The website is available here: