IPFN at SIAM CT23 Conference

IPFN participated in the SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT23) that took place between July 24 - 26, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. with two oral presentations as part of the Symposium on Diagnostic and Control Systems for Nuclear Fusion Reactors.

Nuno Cruz presented his work on “Instrumentation and Control Developments for Fusion Experiments and High-Performance Diagnostics”  which he has been developing as part of the teams at IPFN/IST Lisbon and at ITER NBTF RFX Padova for instrumentation and control.  His work has undertaken several initiatives and international collaborations to create reliable and advanced equipment for monitoring and controlling fusion devices, showcasing the designs, outcomes and solutions implemented for different devices such as ITER, JET and the Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padova.

Lilia Doménica Corona Rivera, APPLAuSE PhD currently with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, showed the “Implementation of ATCA Based High-Speed Multichannel Data Acquisition Systems for Magnetic Diagnostics and Plasma Centroid Position Control” developed at IPFN during his PhD under the supervision of Profs. Horácio Fernandes and Nuno Cruz.

After the conference, there was still time for a visit to the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory to learn about the new developments for the restart of the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade (NSTX‑U), which is an interesting candidate model for a fusion pilot power plant followed by a commercial fusion reactor due to its compact design. During this visit, potential collaboration work in the area of real-time control and high-performance computing systems was discussed aiming at advancing and improving diagnostics efficiency, enhancing data acquisition accuracy, and driving innovation in plasma physics research.

The photo above shows the speakers at the Symposium on Diagnostic and Control Systems for Nuclear Fusion Reactors. From left to right: 

  • Sai Tej Paruchuri (Lehigh University, U.S.)
  • Nuno Cruz (IPFN, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
  • Frank Hoffman (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, U.S.)
  • Lilia Doménica Corona Rivera (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, U.S.)
  • Adriano Mele (Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy)
  • Gaetano Tartaglione (Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy)