Colloquium : Daniel Grošelj

On Friday, February 7, from 14:00 to 15:00 in Abreu Faro Auditorium, Daniel Grošelj (Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics (CmPA) KU Leuven, Belgium) will present a Colloquium as invitee of the scientific area of Plasmas Physics, Lasers and Nuclear Fusion.

Toward first-principles predictions of high-energy emission from black-hole coronaes

Black-hole coronae are among the most prominent sources of hard X-rays, high-energy cosmic rays and neutrinos. The radiation-dominated and optically moderately thick environments of black-hole coronae require a self-consistent treatment of plasma kinetics together with radiative transfer, which presents new challenges and opportunities for the study of dissipative processes in kinetic plasmas. Here, I will present results from recent radiative particle-in-cell simulations of plasma turbulence, which model the self-consistent interaction between high-energy photons and electrons. I will demonstrate that a sufficiently compact and magnetically powered source, with a size of about 10 gravitational radii or less, can operate as an efficient particle accelerator, while producing X-ray spectra consistent with observations. As an example, I demonstrate excellent agreement with X-ray spectra of NGC 4151. The method employed here opens a pathway for first-principles predictions of emission from a variety of high-energy sources, including gamma-ray bursts and magnetars, in addition to black-hole accretion flows.

All are invited to attend